The Tilmor Process is a simple, flexible reporting process performed weekly by managers and their team members to give managers real data about the challenges their team members are confronting and the accomplishments they’re making despite those challenges. The Tilmor Process shows managers the total picture that they can’t get from project management reports and allows them to manage their actual people, not just projects.
The Tilmor Process takes 5-10 minutes per week for team members. It takes anywhere from 10 minutes to several hours for managers, depending on how large the team is and how entrenched the challenges are. Managers can begin using the process the first week, and every manager already has everything they need to be successful with the process.
The Tilmor Process works with any industry or organization structure, and works for managers and team members who are engineers or poets, extroverts or introverts, allistic or autistic, and it levels across communication styles and cultural expectations. The Tilmor Process works in any language as long as manager and team members use the same language.
The Tilmor Process increases meaningful communication and trust within teams and throughout the organization.

Magda Pecsenye created the Tilmor Process when her consulting clients indicated that they didn’t know what challenges their team members were really facing because cultural norms prevented team members from reporting problems. She used her experience in instructional design and training to create a process that would peel back unnecessary constraints to invite and reward transparency for all participants in the process.
Magda holds an AB in Comparative Literature from Bryn Mawr College and an MBA from The University of Michigan. A native of Ohio who has lived in Mexico City and New York City, she lives in Detroit with her two teenagers and two cats.
Email magda @ tilmorgroup dot com to start a conversation about how the Tilmor Process can transform your organization.